Global Matrix IV
Global Matrix IV International Printmaking Exhibition
vom 9. Jan. – 18. Feb. 2017
in der Robert L. Ringel Gallery, Stewart Center und der Fountain Gallery, Lafayette
Danach wird die Ausstellung bis 2018 an unterschiedlichen Orten der USA gezeigt.
Die nächsten Ausstellungsorte sind:
Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio und die Cleveland State University in Cleveland, Ohio.
Von über 245 Bewerbungen aus aller Welt wurden 96 Arbeiten von 73 Künstleren aus 15 Ländern für diese Ausstellung juriert.
Ich bin mit zwei meiner größeren Siebdruckarbeiten dort vertreten !
The fourth contemporary review of fine art printmaking in all media from around the world, presented as a traveling exhibition by the Purdue University Galleries. From its humble origins as simple relief rubbings or patterns stamped onto paper and cloth, the art of the print has spread to all corners of the globe, growing and developing conceptually as a result of the contributions of an ever-growing circle of international artists. This year’s exhibit will present a total of 96 images by 73 artists – from a total of 245 submissions.
“This one is a really large exhibition in that it encompasses both our galleries. It’s kind of interesting that we have one exhibition, but there are so many pieces that it’s actually in two different galleries (that are) across the river from each other,” said Craig Martin, director of Purdue University Galleries. “Hopefully it will connect people (and) will have people intrigued by one space and go to the other.”
Zur Ausstellung erscheint ein umfangreicher Katalog.